Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Violence and atrocities against innocent people do not end 
when military operations stop.
The war being waged by Bush on Iraq is not primarily against 
Saddam.  It does not stop with the fall of the regime.  
It is against justice, respect for human lives, the sovereignty 
of the Iraqi people and the security of the community of 
nations.  As military action appears to ease,  the peoples of 
the world must be more vigilant against the arrogance of 
those who think they "own", as an American military officer 
put it, Iraq and any other country that may be next in line for 
some “shock and awe”. 
Time and again, the peoples of the world have spoken against
this war. We continue to protest this and any form of aggression that may yet come from those who claim for themselves global police powers for their own interests. 
We invite you to an open mic night of protest on April 23 
(Wed.), 7:30 p.m. at Bistro 70s, # 46 Anonas St., Project 2, 
Quezon City.  (Our dear friend Noel Cabangon performs at 
9:45 on this day. He invites us to also use the break time for 
the open mic.)
Let us build our strength through our words, poetry, music, 
imagination, creativity and unity.

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